Archive for November, 2008

how to waste 2 hours in nyc for $2.10

November 26, 2008


read your favorite magazines you cant afford in the barnes and noble cafe in union square with a grande coffee.

sunday=funday (which then means monday=bloated and hungover)

November 26, 2008

after another long weekend of working two brunches, i went and had dinner with my pops and stepmom at la esquina. so much fun. the storefront looks like a corner taco stand like this…


then when you walk in you tell the guy with the walkie talkie your reservation. you are lead downstairs and through the kitchen to the actual restaraunt which is dark and covered with mosaics of lowriders and borquias, plus they have over 200 tequilas. the waiter kept choosing his various favorite tequilas for my dad who humbly obliged.


nice and warm full of wine, i headed to the east village to my friend erins birthday. look at the pretty lady!

erin1 (and hely auditioning for “make me a supermodel” in the background, god love her)

us ladies “band” together– hey yo!

November 26, 2008

my band CUDZOO had their first show! and it went swimmingly. we had it
at The Delancey in the lower east side. the crowd danced when we told
them to, the band sounded tight, our dance moves were on point, and we
looked pretty sweet in our fringe frocks.


We opened for our drummer Sarahs husband, Shaffer the Dark Lord ( who
rocked the f*in mic. that guy can perform his socks off.


stay tuned for upcoming shows…

everybodys working (on) the weekend.

November 26, 2008

Friday night was spent exactly how i wanted it to be. A romantic night
in of ordering mexican delivery and then watching a mexican restaraunt
episode of “Kitchen Nightmares”. I am getting progressively dumber
since seth and i got cable. and i love it! i want to write for tv so i
can rationalize watching as much crap as i want with considering it

after a long, hectic brunch shift at Cafe Cluny i went to my friend
Luke & Colleen’s annual Thanksgiving potluck. And it was there that i
fell in love


with Bullit! there are few things in the entire world that i find
cuter than pets that always keep their tongue stuck out. yes, i love
him. however, he was more into the host dog of the party Mortimer
Duke. he decided to express his love to MD in my lap.


we played some rockband, went into food comas, and i gave a lot of thanks when i finally got to go to bed after being up since 6am.

the next day was lazy and lovely. i capped off the weekend with my
sunday night date with my stepmom Anne. we got wine at the penthouse
bar at hotel gansevoort and then a tasty dinner at spice market.
i love these sunday nights. i get laughs, amazing food, and a free
therapy session in which i unload any future anxiety, current
stressing issues, lack of money blues and such to my babushka. who,
god bless her, willingly listens and hands out free advice!

finger round up!

November 26, 2008

My sketch team FINGER wrapped up their 3rd run at the Peoples Improv
Theater. Thanks to everyone who came and saw one of the shows!


smells like poor

November 13, 2008

one time in college a new lady and i were discussing childhood tales when somehow the conversation lead to bubble baths. we talked about favorite toys in the tub (my little pony mermaid, what what!), games we liked to play (pretending to be a my little pony mermaid, what what!), the time i dumped everything in the tub (including bengay) and then held my privates under cold running water ( screaming “my china is on fire! china on fire!”), when i then mentioned that whenever we ran out of bubble bath.. we would just throw in some Dawn or Joy dish detergent to make bubbles. to this my new bestie replied “smells like poor” completely deadpan and walked away to the keg.

this story has absolutely nothing to do with this blog posting except that, unlike when i kept it real and used dish detergent instead of mr bubbles, today i actually am poor. its official. all the signs are there. want to know how i can tell. simply by a glance into my cabinet. sure, i just moved into a new apartment and the kitchen isnt stocked, but peering into my new cabinet yesterday was like looking into a reunion of my favorite starving artist comrades.

no no no, i dont embrace poverty with ramen noodles and canned soup. thats how i embrace diets. these are my old faithfuls:

images nutella

my first month in new york,  i was S to the T to the RUGGLING. my bedroom consisted of a deflated air mattress folded in half on top of an area rug, a tiny lamp and a lot of sweet potatoes. when money ran out it was just about the same time that nutella put little plastic bags on everyones door in my apt building with two small samples of nutella in each. dontcha know i snuck thru my building in the shield of night and stole every sample.. then ate that on a  piece of bread for two days..

the following summer when i lived in queens and tried every kind of job from selling comedy tickets in times square (“do you like comedy? great would you like to come see some tonig… oh ok, well have a nice day”) to nannying in the hamptons (that lasted a whopping two weekends. me and the little girl played soccer, she named her team the wildcats, and then name mine the sad dead kittens) and even recruiting corporations to pay for their lady employees to learn poker thru a biz named PokerDivas. through these two months i was scraping by and had a lot of trader joe’s $2 buck chuck chardonnay for dinner.

yesterday i looked in my cabinet and these were the only two items there.

**oh i can also tell im poor when i just use my boyfriends head and shoulders two in one for shampoo and conditioner for 3 weeks.

hamptons film festival

November 13, 2008

a movie that seth worked on called “end of america” premiered at the hamptons film festival. things started off smoothly as the only copy of the movie was stuck in traffic and the screening was going to start 45 minutes late. even smoother being that alec baldwin was the person slotted to introduce the film. surprisingly he took the delay in stride and did not call anyone annoying a “spoiled, little pig”.

a party was thrown for the film at this shack..


and seths boss made us drive around in this mint condition 68′ cherry red mustang convertible. (oh the horror).



the weekend consisted of, surprisingly very few movies, but tons of food, parties with open bars, late dance living dance parties and also ferry dance parties. it was a grand couple of days in east hampton before settling back into reality of being poor and having no business being there.

you want to be on top?

November 13, 2008

i started a new job last week at a place called cafe cluny ( its a cute spot and with the uniform of converse allstars, skinny demins, and striped shirt not to mention my moustache tattoo.. i’m one beret short of a french citizenship.

the place is small but gets swarmed with celebrities. my first week of training alone i saw topher grace, william dafoe, cuba gooding junior, a bunch of models, and non other than miss tyra banks (twice!). now as much as i think she may actually be clinically retarded, i must admit… that girl is sweet! really nice. she was just grinning up a storm and it was way to early to be high (ya know the old adage, amphetamines before oatmeal never sicker- or something like that).

anywho! i saw tyra the day after CJ took steve and i’s headshots. we were singing the top model theme all the live long day. he also took some promotional shots for our webshow BOF.


the evening before headshots, which would be saturday night, i attended ali farahnakian’s 40th bday party. ali is the founder of the PIT and a thrower or a good party. keith huang is precious and took a lot of pics, here are a few… more at


and yes, tyra, clearly i want to be on top.

time warp

November 13, 2008

feast your eyes on the blog as i attempt to travel back in time (dolorian not included) and recap the last 30 days. its been exactly one month since i left australia and man has a lot happened. i feel like i just got back, i feel like i havent stopped moving, i miss my nieces, i missed this city, and how can one be exhausted when they vacationed for a month?

ok, enough of the sentimental bull, lets get started. we begin with the last week and travel backwards…

seth and i moved! we officially live by ourselves. woot woot! however, we have a lot  home improvement to tend to and then i promise to give a real virtual tour of the place. we are building a little love nest but we are about 100 twigs short. oh well. life is grand, times are changes, and we got a brother in the white house!

last weekend was halloween. my girl band CUDZOO was asked to host a halloween party at one of my favorite bars, Sparrow. The theme was Freak Show and we decorated the place like a big top. Here are CJ and I…


seth up on a hoopty.


I made ten trophies to award throughout the night in such freak competitions such as “Strongest Man” and “Who can text something dirty while their hands are taped up like a Lobster Freak”. I made a “Breast in Show” trophy to award to the biggest trolip of the night but it ended up being handed out to this lovely bearded lady…


and this lady got “best piece of fruit for someone of the asian decent”


The only thing more fun than going to sleep at 6am on Halloween is waking up and moving. Take my word for it.