Archive for July, 2008

oh snap! recap

July 21, 2008

this weekend went by super fast. slooooow down summer, please.

steve and i laid down some vocals for the theme song for our new web series “BOF”. now dont go thinking we are getting all diva on you. i think its perfectly normal to request only green things in the recording studio, for everyone to refer to you as “her mame-jesty”, and to order your duet partner to not speak all day like celine dion as to save the vocals.

my friend and former roomate sandra d threw a lovely dinner party in her new loft (aka: the most bad ass apartment of anyone i know/ would not kill but probably take out someone’s kneecaps for it) on friday night. there were lasagnas of three kinds, manhattan skylines, and oh too much wine!

and lastly….

dear diary

July 18, 2008

woot woot first blog!

yesterday i was taught how to make key lime pies by my lovely friend hely from her grandmothers recipe. we’ll call it “siamese lime pie” because all our eggs were “twins!” (pronounced like the miller lite commercial of course).


but the final result.. not gross.

it turned out to be a “peak” performance (hey yo! baking joke! get it? nevermind.)