Archive for March, 2010

I swear to god

March 25, 2010

if this little mother f*cker ever gets on my train car and performs, I will officially move.

It’s really an honor to be gnominated.

March 25, 2010

Christopher Plummer was finally nominated for an Oscar this past year for his film The Last Station.

Many people wondered why it took so long to be nominated. I wonder, why doesn’t he ever get the street cred he deserves for being the narrator on David the Gnome?!

Someone just told Taylor that CUDZOO will see her at the Florida Music Festival.

March 24, 2010

Sorry for the Neglect….

March 24, 2010

….. my faithful bloggers. Last week was a doozy. Worked full time, had 3 (yes, 3!) Cudzoo shows, comedy writing, a marketing event, my first pilot audition (and callback!), and kickball and a fondue party.

Mama needs a nap!

March 12, 2010

Canadian parliamentarians tucked into a meal of seal meat on Wednesday to defy the European Union.

“It tastes delicious, actually. It’s a meaty taste, a little gamy,” declared Michael Ignatieff, leader of the Liberal Party.

Others did not take it as well.

I got some new earrings.

March 12, 2010

ECN-why??? why????

March 11, 2010

Well, BOF lost. We did not win best sketch group in NYC. But it was an honor to be nominated. Yeah, thats what you’re supposed to say, right?

Ah, J/K. We lost to a group called Murderfist who are just the sweetest ever, so we were happy. Plus, I was wearing my favorite vintage stewardess uniform (thanks melissa!) so I couldn’t help but have fun.

**Here I am with Mary Grill, one of my fellow few and far between sketch women.


March 11, 2010

My dear friend Jon Friedman, host of Rejection show and EMMY AWARD winning Jimmy Fallon staffer is very nice. He put me up on the Jimmy Fallon blog yesterday for my second appearance in his game Huge or Tiny… heres the link!

You be the judge. (but don’t judge too harshly, last time I was on there someone made a comment about “saddlebags”. youch!)

OMG you guys…

March 8, 2010

i just found this video from two years ago that cudzoo made when we were drunk and pretending that this craft cardinal was in our band. obviously we had two pitchers of long island ice teas and decided we should film improvise kicking someone out of CUDZOO. normal behavior. (p.s. how big does my ear look in that still frame??) (what? couldn’t hear you) (just kidding! i have huge ears, i could totally hear you)

btw… yes, i do still wear that tunic. dont you DARE judge me.

Friday, 3/5, 7pm, UCB!

March 4, 2010

If we are friends, I have no doubt you’ve seen this show. What, since it was written and started being performed  94 years ago. However, it would be awesome if you could make  it out tomorrow. Not only is it the last time we will perform these sketches before they are retired (lucky bastards) but it is also BOF’s Montreal Just for Laughs audition. I need support! And I don’t just mean new bras! (although if anyone works at Victoria’s S and has a discount, hit a girl up. It’s a foot of lace and an underwire, how the hell is it so expensive?!))