Archive for December, 2009

Can I get a father? I mean, spotter?

December 15, 2009

Elizabeth Poblete of Chile, seen here competing at the 2008 Olympics in Beijing, unexpectedly gave birth to a baby boy while she was training in a Brazilian gym this past tuesday. Proving that people will do anything to get on “I Didn’t know was Pregnant”.

OH blog.

December 10, 2009

My sweet, sweet blog. I have neglected the shit out of you and, for that, I apologize. I have just been so busy gainign weight over the holiday season that I haven’t been around a computer.

I hereby promise to blog daily till Chrstimas. Count it! Today though, I will ease in by showing a few pics from my Thanksgiving trip back to NC.

We like to ride Gators in my family. And i make it look goood,

We also have a miniature version for the tots. Yep, it’s like that.

My aunt and I both own this creepy clown band, bought at completely separate times. Spooky.

Buck, the resident blind and half deaf dog of the residence.

We are southern. Clearly we need a whole table devoted to pickled products. Doesn’t your family?