Archive for February, 2010

Thanks for braving the blizzard…

February 28, 2010

and coming to the CUDZOO show last night!

It’s amazing what giving out raffle tickets to win dirty dances will do.

It’s a gin sin situation.

February 25, 2010

First of all, I misjudged you gin . I really did. You don’t make me want to vomit at all. You are actually quite nice in really fancy pants, fine crafted cocktails. So my apologies. Now that that’s out of the way…

Hypothetically speaking, what does a girl do when she ends up not having to work one night and her boyfriend is out of town? Sees this.

She’s not proud, just stating the facts. Then said girl goes and has a bunch of cocktails with her bandmate at a cute place called Sweet Afton in Queens and eats 2 baskets of fried pickles.

Again, no pride. Then perhaps she’ll come home, have insomnia and watch this at 4 in the morning.

Being a girl is tough yall.


February 24, 2010

Nope, not a commercial. Note quite, but almost as exciting. I finally booked my flight to travel all the way to the other side of the world to Australia! If anyone on  here has been reading this blog from the beginning, you’d know that i basically started it around the time I left for a 5 week adventure to Bali, Indonesia and Melbourne, Australia. (if not, I’ve got some great archives over yonder————————————————>)

Bali was mainly for fun with friends and the abundance of cheap peanut sauce, but Australia was to visit my brother Dave, sister in law Cecily, and the two cutest nieces to ever grace the planet Luca & Naima. (see below)

and now on April 4th (my bro’s b-day)  I’ll get to squeeze those niece cheeks again! For two weeks of backyard tea parties, costumes, feeding sheep,  watching crap tv with cec, riding around seeing the countryside with my bro. I am PUMPED!

The secret word of the day is….. BENDER!

February 23, 2010

A few weeks ago I went to L.A. to see Peewee’s Playhouse live with Maegan, hang out with my heterosexual lifepartner/topless tuesday co-founder Melissa, soak up the bloody marys, and be reassured that NYC is the greatest coastal metropolitan. It was a magnificent, blurry time. I bawled my eyes out when the curtain rose and I saw Chairy and the gang. I got (count em) 3 Peewee shirts, a Peewee tote, and a Peewee ring.

Unfortunately, Maegan’s camera was last seen at a dive bar on Hollywood boulevard on our last day and we lost all our pictures. However, here’s a few that were lurking on Maegan’s iphone. We got to attend a special, small Q&A after the show. Magic!

*Believe or not, I was not the creepiest fan there. Success!

**But i did manage to come home with the weird octoneck award.

Let’s go now!

February 22, 2010

On 32nd  and 5th ave, K! Pizzacone just opened.  You pick from a variety of topping and then they make you pizza into a cone shape. Say what?! It’s easy to walk with and you get less grease on your shirt then from a regular slice.

I’m thinking pizza cones snuck into a matinee of Valentines Day. Talk about cheesy afternoon. Who’s with me?

You must be duckin crazy, baby.

February 22, 2010

Baby dressed as a duck, now while I’ll admit that your face is pretty adorable and it looks like that face was superimposed unto a duck costume (therefore, you might not have even committed this heinous impostor move), I still have to inform you that baby ducks are SO MUCH CUTER than babies dressed as ducks.

I mean check it out.

Look at all that fuzz and the ability to fit into one’s hand. That can’t be taught  baby dressed as a duck. But perhaps if you shrink you could…well fuck me sideways. You brought your older brother didn’t you?

Dear god, now I see where you get it. And a face on top of face at that. Even the costume duck face looks pissed it has to be a part of this. Now I just feel bad for you baby dressed as duck, but its not gonna soften me up. Nope, two can play at that game. You are not the only one who can roll deep. Bring out the cute crew!

Shit’s about to get serious.

Have you met CUDZOO yet?

February 20, 2010

At the risk of sounding vain (and you know what they say, if you don’t take risk you don’t….. get HPV? I don’t know) the point is, my band is the cats pajamas. Heres a little video that opened our Ars Nova Show last November.

Also we have a  show next Friday at Arlenes Grocery! Come! Kiss us! Where something sparkly!

Yeah, you better run.

February 18, 2010

I’m coming for you. I don’t care if it takes all night. Which it shouldn’t because you are generally pretty accessible. But STILL, watch your back.


February 12, 2010

I am hosting this show next wednesday 2/17 at 8pm at UCB! It might just be amazing and I would love to see you there. Be sure to make reservations as I want to pack that mofo.  You can do that here…

.If not for me, do it for Matthew. XO.

Mary Poppins stole my face.

February 6, 2010